How to apply for Daum and Fan cafe' ASTRO and Up Level
Hello This blog we will teach you about how to apply Fan cafe' and Up level
1.You can visit the website and Look for a 회원가입 (Register/Sign up) button on the right side of the screen.
2.When you click, you will see the window and You choose the envelope icon.
3.use your information and email address put into the space box. and click a blue button on the right side
4.You have get activation code sent to you email. You must take a activation code to paste into a next blank space and click a blue button right side.
5.The next, You must put your name in korean language ( not over 15 character ) or English language ( not over 30 character ) after that , you must to mark into a both blank small boxes and click a blue button below.
6. In a top line is a your username for apply in website. The name is auto specify from system ( cannot change in a later ) next , you must to set a password for your account ( This password must have an english language combined number over 8 character ) in last line you must put a word from the top picture and click a blue button.
7.When complete , system will show windows like a picture.
How to apply Fan cafe'
1.You can visit the website and look for a button 가페 가입하기 on the left side of the screen (like a picture)
2.When you click into the website you will see the window like a picture and Click the checkmark box Term of use (위 약관에 동의합나다) and this box 닉네임 Let you put a nickname that will be displayed in the cafe' ( Should you choose either Korean or English only, Do not spaces and Do not have numbers or other special characters) and in last line you must put a word from the top picture and click button and then you click button 가입 (on the left side)
3.When apply finished It will be a window appears and you click the button 확인 for mean apply complete.
How to Up Level
1.Menu on the left side. you must find the word is Level Up and then you click into the word is 등업신청 (Top line)
2.Answer the question Up Level. The question that must be answered are as follow.
* After put information finished You check the accuracy and Lock information for safety ( Padlock button pic the third button from the left)
Example for answer the question
*After Up Level finished you waiting notification from Cafe about 3-7 days. After receiving the notification. You can into update information, News, Schedule and Include to talk with ASTRO boys.
If you have any question you can ask on twitter @ASTROTH_INT